Huwebes, Nobyembre 17, 2011

TCES SPED Center holds Deaf Awareness Week

The school held a week-long celebration of the Deaf Awareness Week on November 14-18, 2001 based on Presidential Proclamation no. 823 issued on November 8, 1991. This year's theme is "Educate, Enrich, Empower."

This event as spearheaded by Hearing Impaired (HI) Program coordinators; Teacher Hornel Aboy and Teacher Lydia Piamonte, highlighted the talents of the hearing impaired children in sign language as they sign out the national anthem, perform a story interpretation, presented a folk dance number, competed in scrabble and finger spelling and engaged in other fun-filled activities.

"The HI program is a response to the challenge given by the Department of Education to us as a SPED school," said Teacher Hornel Aboy during the opening program.

The School Principal, Mrs. Amelyn T. Goniabo also added that, "The purpose of this program is to provide children HI children with access to free and quality education that they will need in their daily life."

Educators of the school envisions that years from now, sign language would not only prosper as a medium of communication among the deaf but also to the hearing people who are within the community of the HI children.

The HI Program is already on its third year of implementation in the school in terms of educating the hearing impaired children in the community. HI learners of the school include; Francis Salve Manalili, Kent Nicole Bruce, Michelle Joyce Padillo, Irose Oliverio, and Stephanny Oquialda.

Teacher Hornel Aboy on its culminating program said that, "HI children in our community are lucky to be accepted in the program which aims to educate them in a least restrictive environment." JCA

Martes, Nobyembre 15, 2011

SPED opens Special Science Project

Hearing impaired children gives a special presentation during the  SSES launching.
Tugbok Central Elementary School SPED Center implemented the Special Science Elementary School (SSES) Project for the grade one entrants effective school year 2011-2012.

“This program is created as a support to the Philippine Constitution which mandates giving priority to education particularly Science and Technology to be able to provide opportunities in developing the pupils’ scientific attitudes, technological skills and higher order thinking skills,” according to Teacher Vi-cherry U. Ledesma, the schools representative to the two-day training on the SSES Project.

This project aims to provide a learning environment to the gifted and talented (G/T) through the special Mathematics and Science curricula which recognize multiple intelligences geared towards the development of God-fearing, globally competitive, nationalistic, creative, ecologically-aware, and scientifically and technologically-oriented and skilled individuals who are empowered through lifelong learning skills.

This project was implemented by the Department of Education in 2007 and is expanded to more schools including SPED Centers this school year.

The first batch of SSES grade one enrollees composed of 35 pupils has satisfied the criteria for screening with the use of the school-based diagnostic test, school readiness test and mental ability test.

The school will join the roster of SSES schools in Region XI which include Matina Central Elementary School and Sta. Ana Elementary School.